5 Day Challenge Template 

Test Out the Opt In it Works


β€”that'll change the way you think about emails... forever.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat.

πŸ‘‡ Sign up below to access the FB Group and get reminders delivered straight to your inbox 15 minutes before we go Live.

TAKE THE ULTIMATE LIST-BUILDING WORKSHOPβ€”that'll change the way you think about emails... forever.

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πŸ‘‡ Sign up below to access the FB Group and get reminders delivered straight to your inbox 15 minutes before we go Live.

πŸ‘‡ Sign up below to access the FB Group and get reminders delivered straight to your inbox 15 minutes before we go Live.


Contest & Prize Giveaways!

Third Place Winner Requirements: the person who generates the third most leads during the 5-Day List-Building Workshop wins the one prize listed above ($47 total value) for free! 

Second Place Winner Requirements: the person who generates the second most leads during the 5-Day List-Building Workshop wins the two prizes listed above ($144 total value) for free! 

First Place Winner Requirements: the person who generates the most leads during the 5-Day List-Building Workshop wins the three prizes listed above ($441 total value) for free! 

Each day there will be giveaways for ALL participants

PLUS a chance to Access the "Email Accelerator" for FREE!

($2,250 Value) Details will be given on Day 3.

TAKE THE ULTIMATE LIST-BUILDING WORKSHOPβ€”that'll change the way you think about emails... forever.

πŸ‘‡ Sign up below to access the FB Group and get reminders delivered straight to your inbox 15 minutes before we go Live.

πŸ‘‡ Sign up below to access the FB Group and get reminders delivered straight to your inbox 15 minutes before we go Live.

Here's What The 5-Day Workshop Covers...

How Simple it is to Build an Email List: Starting with the #1 List-Building Myth: That You Need a Large List to Make Full-Time Income.

Create Your First Email Letter: The Most Important (and Probably the Most Simple) Email You'll Send Your List. Then It's Just Rinse & Repeat.

How to Build Your List: Get Access to Done-For-You Lead Magnets, Proven Strategies, and "Email Accelerator" for the Fastest Way to Build Rapport, Generate More Leads, Increase Your Sales, and Get More Fans!

Get 30%+ Open Rates & Earn Income: Learn Key Principles and Tips for You to Build a Quality Responsive Email List of Buyers.

Resources Day: Final Thoughts, Q&A, List of Helpful Tools & Websites (I've Been Using for Years) to Never Run Out of Content and Simple List-Building Strategies.

Resources Include Free Tools & Websites to help you in your list-building strategies!

Here's My Promise...

πŸ™… No drawn-out training that just keeps going on and on and on.

Instead, I'll be keeping the training videos short and to the point so you are spending less time watching me and spending more time getting stuff done with daily actionable assignments that will get you results on the first day.


β€”that'll change the way you think about emails... forever.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat.

πŸ‘‡ Sign up below to access the FB Group and get reminders delivered straight to your inbox 15 minutes before we go Live.

TAKE THE ULTIMATE LIST-BUILDING WORKSHOPβ€”that'll change the way you think about emails... forever.

What's Your First Name?* Required field!
What's Your BEST Email?* Required field!

πŸ‘‡ Sign up below to access the FB Group and get reminders delivered straight to your inbox 15 minutes before we go Live.

πŸ‘‡ Sign up below to access the FB Group and get reminders delivered straight to your inbox 15 minutes before we go Live.

...then join the FB Group on the next page.

Who Am I? And What Do I Know About This Stuffs? 

Hey, I’m Kati Stage, your list-building sensei, and a mad scientist when it comes to building an email list, consumer psychology, and creating fun, inspiring, motivating rejection proof offers that make people want to throw their wallets at your face.

I have created this live event based on my experience working with hundreds of people and seeing in real-time how important it is to build an email list. The personalized strategies you will get here are based on my own real-time-relevant-right-now experience and are things that all businesses need in order to survive, thrive & downright dominate their industries in a post-corona world. 

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